Monday, 14 April 2008

3D model

The following link is my model that uploaded to 3dwarehouse:

As you can see the architecture itself is a piece of artwork.

The 'bridge' stairs

Above ground studio

Above ground exhibition room
The spiral stair gets smaller as it goes up, it represents 'abyss' since you feel like walking up to the space. The uneven located cubes not only provide platforms for holding the artworks, but also help to create a sense of fancy, anti-gravity & abyss. So are the glass screens and metal poles having this functions. (inspired by Patricia Piccinini)

Below ground exhibition hall
Both the below ground exhibition hall and studio are round in shape. And it is like being protected by the circular screens 'maze' that hold the artworks. Circle gives a feeling of fullness, firm, and reliable. The natural 'hanging bridge' staircases, the carpet and its pattern, all these elements that being used offer you a feeling of warm and comfort. You can feel yourself settle well if u sit on the couch in middle of the exhibition hall. So that this whole below ground structure represents 'settle'. (inspired by Sidney Nolan)

Below ground studio

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